Website Content written for The Lord of the Rings Online adheres to British English in a tone of voice that recalls the iconic epic fantasy storytelling of the book trilogy upon which the game is based. All other copy could be far more succinct. This has made every iteration of a unique set of challenges, from planning, researching, and writing game guides for new players to enticing and informing potential returning players of new content.

Helm's Deep Launch Trailer

The launch trailer for LOTRO: Helm's Deep had to be short, exciting, and climactic. We're talking about one of fantasy's most epic battles. (It lasted all night!) The obvious choice was writing it as King Theoden, a decision that proved both challenging and immensely satisfying.

Helm's Deep Expansion Site

The Helm's Deep expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online featured many new features, story elements, and game system redesigns. The challenge in planning messaging for the Helm's Deep site involved several meetings with game designers, artists, and brand specialists. We selected a heroic yet succinct tone of voice, and chose to built-out four separate deep-dive pages that detailed core features of the expansion.